Lecture at the conference "Peace without NATO" on 25 and 26 November 2023 in Cologne
A lecture in the wording
The following text reproduces a lecture given by the German author Wolfgang Effenberger at the aforementioned event "Peace without NATO" in Cologne in November 2023. The lecture is reproduced here with the consent of the speaker.
In brief about W. Effenberger:
Wolfgang Effenberger was born in Lohne in southern Oldenburg in 1946, a few weeks after his parents were expelled from Silesia. At the age of 18, he began officer training in the German army. After studying civil engineering, he became a pioneer captain. After 12 years of service, Effenberger studied political science and higher education (civil engineering and maths) in Munich and taught at the University of Applied Sciences for Civil Engineering until 2000.
Since then, he has published books and articles on recent US history and geopolitics. You will find a link to a detailed personal description and bibliography at the bottom of the page.
Note: The Highlighting have been inserted here, and the additions in square brackets [...] are explanations for easier understanding.
The speech
Article 42 of the Lisbon Treaty (ex-Article 17 of the EU Constitution) makes military missions "for the defence of the Union's values and in the service of its interests" a reality. For me, this means in plain language: wars of aggression to protect economic and strategic interests.
My conclusion at the time: the USA continued the Cold War because the fall of the Berlin Wall had only achieved one of its two geopolitical goals: The first goal was undoubtedly the victory of capitalism over socialism. But the second goal is only now becoming clear in the course of current US policy.
It is the unchallenged supremacy of the USA in Eurasia. The aim is to transform the world into a post-nation-state order under US hegemony. This goal still exists and is to be achieved with a FULL-SPECTRUM-DOMINANCE.
On 30 May 2000, the US Department of Defence published the Joint Vision 2020 strategy paper, which contains guidelines for "superiority on a broad front" of the US armed forces in order to be able to counter threats around the globe in 2020. This amounts to the status of a FULL-SPECTRUM DOMINANCE in an armed conflict. The fight against every possible enemy is to be achieved with all necessary forces and measures, either alone or together with allies. (1)
In addition to land, air and sea, this superiority on a "broad front" also includes space, the electromagnetic level and information warfare (cf. cyberwar).
Only if these conditions are met can "dominance across the entire spectrum" be realised in accordance with the Joint Vision 2020 military doctrine. This requires a gigantic military budget. The US military budget for 2023 has been increased by 90 billion dollars to 858 billion. But 12 billion to combat child poverty remains blocked. (2) By way of comparison, Russia will spend 86.4 billion euros in 2023 and 109 billion euros in 2024 (3)
"I have said before," said Harold Pinter in his speech when accepting the Nobel Prize in 2005, "that the United States is now laying its cards on the table with complete candour. That is the case. Its officially declared policy is now defined as 'Full Spectrum Dominance'. That's not my term - it's theirs. 'Full Spectrum Dominance' means control of land, sea, air and space and all accompanying resources."
I have subdivided my presentation:
The road to the Second World War
Setting the course from 1945-1950
Wolfowitz Doctrine
Strategy papers 1994-2022
Official statements 2023
At the end of 1934, following the failure of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal plans and the simultaneous start of the development of the "Rainbow" war plans, fears of a new war spread in the USA. Under the chairmanship of Senator Gerald P. Nye, an investigative committee under the innocuous name of the Munitions Investigation Committee began its work on the reasons for going to war in 1917.
In the course of the carefully conducted investigations, the influential US private banker J.P. Morgan Jr. and the US entrepreneur Pierre du Pont were also questioned.
In conclusion, the committee convincingly demonstrated that bankers and defence industrialists had exerted a strong influence on US foreign policy before and during the war, in addition to price fixing, and had thus "tricked" the country into the war. (4) Incidentally, in the 2008 US election campaign, the name Morgan appeared among Obama's biggest donors - just behind Goldman Sachs and ahead of Citigroup. (5)
So Obama's statement to the officer candidates at West Point in 2014 comes as little surprise: "I believe with every fibre of my being in American exceptionalism. But what makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it's our willingness to affirm them through our actions." (6)
In his book Full Spectrum Dominance, published in 2009, the German-American author William Engdahl, founder of a consultancy firm for geopolitical strategic risks for companies, sheds light on an astonishing event in 1939, when a small elite circle of specialists came together in the New York Council on Foreign Relations in the utmost secrecy.
Quote: "With generous funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the group set about sketching out the details of a post-war world. In their view, a new world war was imminent, from whose ashes only one country would emerge victorious - the United States. Their task, as some of the members later described, was to lay the foundations for a post-war American empire - but without calling it that. It was a skilful deception that initially led much of the world to believe American claims of support for "freedom and democracy" around the world." (7)
Developments after the end of the Second World War seem to confirm Engdahl's assertions: Already in the last year of the Second World War, the founding year of the United Nations [UN], the war plans of British and American generals against the Soviet Union began to take concrete shape.
On 1 July 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill wanted to push back the then Soviet Union militarily and re-establish an independent Poland. (8) To this end, he had General Hastings Ismay draw up the "UNTHINKABLE " plan of attack - he was to become the first Secretary General of NATO. However, under pressure from Stalin, the German soldiers were disarmed and taken prisoner on 23 May 1945. The German successor government residing in Flensburg was arrested. At the beginning of September 1945, US President Harry S. Truman commissioned General Eisenhower with "Operation TOTALITY". With 20 to 30 atomic bombs, 20 Soviet industrial cities were to be destroyed in one fell swoop. (9) Such plans were constantly refined.
On 14 May 1947, Churchill spoke in the Albert Hall of a United Europe as a step towards world government
On 15 May 1947, Truman announced his doctrine to contain the further expansion of the Soviet Union.
The Marshall Plan followed on 6 June 1947.
The aim was to strengthen Western Europe against the Eastern Bloc and to open up sales markets for the American economy, which was still overheated from the war. By accepting the aid, the countries had to cede their financial sovereignty to Washington - this was the beginning of the economic colonisation of Europe, which did not cost the USA much. Between 1949 and 1952, West Germany received a loan of 1.4 billion US dollars worth around 6.4 billion DM [German marks]. This loan was repaid on the basis of the London Debt Agreement of 12 February 1953 with interest and repayment by 1962 in the amount of DM 13 billion. (10)
On 26 July 1947, the "National Security Act" was passed for the military penetration of the world, one of the most important laws in US post-war history. It is still the basis of global US military power today. The aim was to make Europe fit for war against the Soviet Union.
On 23 April 1948, William Fulbright founded the "American Committee for a United Europe". Former intelligence chief General William Donavan acted as executive director, and CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles became his deputy. Why two intelligence professionals at the helm? The Marshall Plan was intended as part of the preparations for war against the Soviet Union. The supposedly non-governmental committee was funded by the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and government-affiliated business groups. (11)
NATO was officially founded on 4 April 1949 as a defence alliance against the Soviet Union. The first Secretary General of NATO and chief planner of Unthinkable, Lord Ismay, casually formulated NATO's task: "to keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down". (12) The Alliance Treaty stated that economic reconstruction and economic stability were important elements of security - hence the Marshall Plan.
On 19 December 1949, the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff adopted the "DROPSHOT" war plan to enforce the war aims of the United States against the USSR and its satellites. Of course, it was intended to look as if there was no other way. The official threat scenario was therefore formulated as early as 1949: "On or about 1 January 1957, war has been forced upon the United States by an act of aggression by the USSR and/or its satellites."
However, when Sputnik orbited the earth in 1957, the war plans had to be revised and the date for Dropshot was postponed. In Moscow, however, the plan remains unforgotten. The noble goals proclaimed with the founding of NATO stood in stark contrast to the war plan for the nuclear annihilation of the Soviet Union that was drawn up at the same time. The four events of 1949 mentioned above must be understood as steps towards a NATO-orientated European Union, which was created in absolute secrecy. Only later propaganda campaigns presented the European project as a work of peace. And these campaigns continue to this day.
On 9 May 1950, the Schuman myth was born: the birth of the Coal and Steel Union. In 1953, Thomas Mann had recognised the tendency of the US administration to treat Europe as an economic colony, a military base, a glacis in the future nuclear crusade against Russia, as a piece of earth that was of antiquarian interest and worth visiting, but whose complete ruin they would not give a damn about when it came to the battle for world domination.
With the "National Security Directive 54" (NSDD-54) of 2 September 1982, an instrument was created with which the entire Soviet bloc could be subversively undermined.
Here, the sea eagle was first allowed to shoot its arrows and then wag its palm: In addition to destructive operations ("undermining the military capacities of the Warsaw Pact"), economic incentives were created, above all the prospect of loans and cultural-scientific exchange. (13)
In the Middle East, politics was made with the palm leaf. The Senator from Delaware announced on 5 June 1986: "It is the best investment of 3 billion dollars that we have made. If there were no Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect its interests in the region." (14)
On 31 December 1991, the Soviet Union was a thing of the past. Free market capitalism" had triumphed over "state socialism". Peace dividends, however, were rejected by the West.
Instead, every part of the US economy was linked to the future of this permanent war machine. For those parts of the US establishment whose power had grown exponentially through the expansion of the national security state after the Second World War, the end of the Cold War would have meant the loss of their raison d'être.
This elite rejected the possibility of gradually dissolving NATO, just as Russia had dissolved the Warsaw Pact, and fostering a climate of mutual economic co-operation that could make Eurasia one of the most prosperous and thriving economic zones in the world.
On 28 October 2014, Pope Francis declared thats: "We are in the middle of World War IIIbut in a war in instalments. There are economic systems that have to wage war in order to survive. So they produce and sell weapons. (15)
The neoconservative Paul Wolfowitz drafted the guidelines for defence planning as Deputy Secretary of Defence - the so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine. It became the trigger for NATO to be used as an instrument of bloody aggression against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya after the Cold War. The coup d'état prepared by the West in Ukraine in 2014 was also a product of the doctrine.
In August 1994, the "Training and Doctrine Command 525-5" emphasised the stringency and continuity of the American quest for hegemony under the title Full-scale operations for the strategic army in the early 21st century clearly defined. One of the high-calibre authors was Paul Wolfowitz, advisor to George W. Bush and deputy to Donald Rumsfeld, an important promoter of the "war on terror", with which Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Iran were to be subjected to the USA's claim to hegemony. All of this serves the goal of unipolar world domination and the "full spectrum dominance" of the US military, and much of it has been successfully implemented to date. This document describes a dynamic era, a world in transition.
Instead of fighting communism, in the 21st century we will have to take action against national and religious extremism. While we had permanent allies in the 20th century, in the 21st century they are only temporary allies.
The US army should adapt to this and take two premises into account: "rapid technological change and the reorganisation of geostrategy". The modern theatre of war relies on advanced technology such as combat robots and drones as well as on "non-nation forces" and mercenary armies that do not have to abide by any laws and are paid according to measured success. According to the strategy paper, the path to the intended war leads via the targeted destabilisation of the state, in which the aim is to bring about a "regime change" for one's own benefit.
An important instrument here is the "Operations other than War" (OOTW) - i.e. operations from the Financial and cyber warfare about the use undercover special units until Drone warfare and all facets of Shadow wars.
The stages of escalation described in the document can be clearly observed in Ukraine: Turmoil (Maidan), crisis (Slavyansk) and conflict (Crimea). The final stage would then be war, which became a reality on 24 February 2022.
In 1999, NATO waged a war of aggression against Yugoslavia without a UN mandate, in violation of international law and the UN Charter. From then on, the crisis intervention role was permanently anchored without a UN mandate.
Here too, geostrategic interests of the USA were the real reason! The War against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was conducted in order to revise a wrong decision made by General Eisenhower during the Second World War. According to representatives of the US State Department at the Bratislava conference on the Balkans and NATO's eastward expansion at the end of April 2000, the stationing of US soldiers there had to be made up for strategic reasons.
The aim was to transform the spatial situation between the Baltic Sea and Anatolia in line with US objectives for the upcoming NATO expansions. Poland was to be surrounded to the north and south by democratic states as neighbours, Romania and Bulgaria were to secure the land connection to Turkey and Serbia was to be permanently excluded from European development. (16) The US camp built shortly after the war in Yugoslavia Bondsteel secures the US military presence from Kosovo to Kashmir for 99 years.
The terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 empowered the American president to declare a permanent war against an enemy that was everywhere and nowhere, that supposedly threatened the American way of life, and to justify laws that destroyed that way of life in the name of the new global war on terror.
In 2003, when the Bush administration invaded Iraq with the false claim that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, this deception had had its day.
What was the real aim of the Pentagon's relentless wars? Was it, as some have surmised, a strategy to control the world's vast oil reserves at a time of future oil shortages? Or was there a completely different, even more grandiose intention behind the US strategy since the end of the Cold War?
Thomas Barnett's books provide insight into this: the touchstone for the question of whether the aggressive military agenda of the two Bush administrations was an extreme deviation from the core of American military foreign policy or, on the contrary, formed the core of the long-term agenda, was the presidency of Barack Obama.
After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize at the end of 2009, he expanded the wars and made drone terror his trademark. The coup on the Maidan in February 2014, which violated international law, was orchestrated by him and Biden.
A good six months later, the US strategy paper "TRADOC 525-3-1 Win in a complex world 2020-2040" (17) was presented.
It propagates the "full spectrum dominance" of the USA on land, at sea and in the air. As the most important Opponent the Rival powers China and Russia called. (18)
Russia is accused of acting imperially and expanding its territory. A grotesque accusation in view of the expansion of NATO and the "colour revolutions" in the former Soviet republics, which, however, is used to justify the necessity of stationing American ground troops in Central Europe. In second place are opposing "regional powers" - e.g. Iran.
Now it's all about what the enterprising longstanding US Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski as early as the end of the 1990s in "The only world power": The domination of the Eurasian landmass.
This goal has been achieved since 4 December 2014 with the US Resolution 758 official US state doctrine, which has been uncritically supported by the European vassals since 15 January 2015. Resolution 758 was passed with a speed that is unusual in the history of the American legislative process. After just 16 days, it was adopted by 411 votes to 10!
On the very day the resolution was passed, the veteran congressman Ron Paul described it on his homepage as "one of the most evil laws" and as Declaration of war on Russia. He saw this 16-page bill as pure war propaganda that would make even neo-conservatives blush.
This resolution has been supported by the European public since 15 January 2015, completely unnoticed. On this day, the European Parliament largely adopted US Resolution 758 with a 28-point resolution in which the EU Parliament condemns the "terrorist acts" in Ukraine and calls on the EU to develop a plan against the Russian "information war" and to help Ukraine expand its defence capacities.
Four weeks later Merkel [former German Chancellor], Hollande [former President of France], Poroshenko [President of Ukraine from 7 June 2014 to 20 May 2019] and Putin [Russian President] negotiated the Minsk peace agreement. And almost a year ago, former Chancellor Angela Merkel let the astonished world public know: "... the Minsk Agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time. It has also used this time to become stronger, as we can see today". In response, the Russian president was outraged in his New Year's address: "The West lied about peace, but prepared aggression and is now openly and shamelessly admitting it." Every basis of trust has been destroyed.
The dependence of the EU on Washington was ruthlessly exposed by the former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, one day after Brexit, on 24 June 2016: "The EU and NATO are evil institutions created by Washington to destroy the sovereignty of the European peoples." This statement made me "Black Book EU & NATO" has prompted. [Wolfgang Effenberger: "Black Book EU & NATO. Why the world cannot find peace"; first edition 2020]
At the end of October 2022, the Biden administration adopted the new National Security Strategy.
President Joe Biden wrote in the foreword: "Since the first days of my presidency, I have argued that our world is at a turning point. How we respond to the enormous challenges and unprecedented opportunities we face and confront today will determine the direction of our world and impact the security and prosperity of the American people for generations to come. The 2022 National Security Strategy lays out how my Administration will use this pivotal decade to advance America's vital interests and position the United States to outmanoeuvre our geopolitical competitors, overcome common challenges, and put our world firmly on the path to a brighter and more hopeful future." (19)
Many can only see these sentences as a declaration of war on the rest of the world - especially Russia, North Korea, Iran and China.
The top strategic priorities set out in the security paper are: "Reducing the growing multifaceted multidisciplinary threat from China, deterring the threat from Russia to Europe". This is followed by North Korea and Iran. This corresponds exactly to the requirements of the US long-term strategy TRADOC 525-3-1 "Win in a Complex World 2020-2040" from September 2014.
The realisation of these priorities includes
Integrated deterrence,
campaigning [propaganda, W.E.] and the
building a lasting advantage.
Furthermore, the USA explicitly rules out any renunciation of a nuclear first strike.
The bloody conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have catapulted humanity to the brink of a global nuclear war. De-escalation and diplomacy no longer seem to exist in the minds of the warring parties.
On 15 November 2022, senators and representatives received guidance from the US Congressional Research Service quoting from the new National Security Strategy: "The United States is a global power with global interests. We are stronger in every region because we are engaged in the other regions."
The congress paper continues: "...US policymakers are pursuing the goal of preventing the emergence of regional hegemons in Eurasia... US military operations in World War I and World War II, as well as numerous US military operations and day-to-day operations since World War II ... have apparently contributed in no small part to supporting this goal." (20)
For a century, it has primarily been about increasing the wealth of a group of tycoons in the City of London and on Wall Street. A look at current financial flows confirms this. The financial elites in the US and the UK appear to have little interest in resolving the Ukraine conflict.
The Senate hearing on 28 February 2023 regarding the war in Ukraine is extremely revealing in this context. Senator Rick Scott asked 3-star General Keith Kellogg: "But why hasn't Germany done its part to provide lethal aid?" "I don't think," the general said, "Germany is playing a role in Europe right now."
The general then enthuses to the senator: "If you can defeat a strategic opponent and not use US troops, you're at the height of professionalism; because if you let the Ukrainians win, a strategic opponent is off the table and we can focus on what we should be doing against our main opponent, and right now that's China.... It's China!!! if we fail, we might have to fight another European war, that would be the third time." (21) Well, the US is failing in Ukraine right now!
This hearing was broadcast by the US Senate. Here it can be felt again, America's allegedly God-ordained mission.
From the original philosophy of Manifest Destiny, the God-given mandate to conquer the land west of the former colonies, a natural right to expansion was derived. The us-American imperialism and the ascent to the The only world power seems to be an inevitable result of this ideology. (22)
Today, things are boiling in the Balkans, Ukraine, Armenia, the Middle East and Africa. These are the very fault lines that led to the catastrophe of the 20th century in 1914.
In the middle of the war, in May 1916, the governments of Great Britain and France in secret Sykes-Picot Agreement on Common colonial goals in the Middle East.
Borders were drawn without regard to ethnic and cultural structures. Great Britain was given what is now Jordan, Iraq and parts of Palestine. With a few strokes of the pen, the British and French destroyed the Ottomans' conflict defence mechanisms in the Middle East. This meant the end of peace and was a catastrophe for most Arabs. The roots of today's wars and terrorism in the Muslim-Arab tensions lie in this agreement
The prerequisite for a sustainable peace will be to come to terms with the path to the First World War and the war aims of the parties to the conflict at that time as truthfully as possible. The war in Yugoslavia also let the evil spirit of the Polish Marshal Pilsudski out of the bottle again. Pilsudski 100 years ago, the Polish-dominated area between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea to.
On 21 July 2021, the USA and Germany committed to safeguarding Ukraine's sovereignty and energy security. And also to expand the Three Seas Initiative - The Adriatic Sea has now been added here. Poland is now the geostrategic anchor of the US aircraft carrier in Europe.
In his State of the Union address at the end of October 2023, US President Biden invoked war in a way that made many people in the world shudder. "We are at a turning point in history - one of those moments when the decisions we make today will determine the future for decades to come. "History has taught us," Biden said, "that terrorists who pay no price for their terror and dictators who pay no price for their aggression cause more chaos, death and destruction."
In this context, the Canadian economist Michael Chossudovsky recalls the number of deaths caused by the uninterrupted series of wars, coups and other subversive operations of the United States from the end of the war in 1945 until today - a figure estimated at 20 to 30 million. (23)
That is about twice as many casualties as in the First World War. And the two countries that are listed as enemies today were allied with the United States in the Second World War.
They paid the highest price in human lives for the victory over the National Socialist, fascist Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis - about 27 million from the Soviet Union and 20 million from China, compared to just over 400,000 from the United States.
And at the end of his speech to the nation, Biden emphasised: "We are the United States of America - the United States of America. And there is nothing - nothing beyond our capabilities when we do it together. [...] May God bless you all. And may God protect our troops."
What kind of god is it that is supposed to protect the troops of a nation that wants to flourish on the bones of the murdered natives? Today, the same power elites as in 1914 want to turn us into a World War III lead.
And against this backdrop, [German] Defence Minister Pistorius called for a "change of mentality" among Germans in security matters on 29 October in the [TV] programme 'Berlin-direkt': "We have to get used to the idea again that the threat of war could loom in Europe". Could? War has returned to Europe since 1999! And fighting has been going on in Ukraine since May 2014! And now Pistorius is demanding: "We must become fit for war."
We are still facing the ruins and traumas of Germany's wartime prowess in the last century! Enough once and for all! "Let us be inspired by the will to serve the peace of the world", as it says in the Preamble of the Basic Law stands.
For 173 years, American hegemonic ambitions and Anglo-Saxon cohesive forces have prevented the vision of the French writer and politician Victor-Marie Hugo from materialising. He wrote in 1850: "A day will come when you France, Russia, you, Italy, England, Germany, all you nations of the continent, will unite closely into a higher community and establish the great European brotherhood. A day will come when there will be no other battlefields than the markets open to trade and the minds open to ideas." (24)
Yes, and that day will come! The Athenian strategist Thucydides has timeless advice for us: "But whoever wants to clearly recognise the past and thus also the future, which will once again, according to human nature, be the same or similar, may find it useful, and that shall be enough for me: It is written for permanent possession, not as a showpiece for one-off listening.“
Let us outlaw war, the brother of lies! Let us strive for truthfulness, the sister of peace!
1 https://dewiki.de/Lexikon/Joint_Vision_2020
3 https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/russland-etat-militaer-100.html
4 Report of the Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry (The Nye Report), U.S. Congress, Senate, 74th Congress, 2nd session, February 24, 1936,3-13
5 https://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/contrib.php?cid=N00009638
7 https://ia800508.us.archive.org/12/items/engdahl/engdahl-full-spectrum-dominance.pdf
8 Daniel Todman, Britain's War: A New World, 1942-1947 (2020) p 744.
9 As early as autumn 1945, the plan called TOTALITY (JIC 329/1) envisaged a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union with 20 to 30 atomic bombs. Details in Kaku/ Axelrod 1987, pp. 30-31
10 http://www.geocities.ws/films4/marshallplan.htm
11 Extension of Remarks of Hon. Hale Boggs of Louisiana in the House of Representatives Tuesday, April 27, Appendix to the Congressional Record 1948 pp A2534-5
12 https://internationalepolitik.de/de/nordatlantische-allianz
13 https://alphahistory.com/coldwar/reagan-policy-soviet-bloc-nations-1982/
15 Mette; Norbert: "We are in the middle of a third world war" https://books.google.at/books....
16 Reprinted in Effenberger, Wolfgang/Wimmer, Willy: "Wiederkehr der Hasardeure - Schattenstrategen, Kriegstreiber, stille Profiteure 1914 und heute", Höhr-Grenzhausen 2014, p. 547
17 ARMY TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND FORT EUSTIS VA at http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA611359
18 Wolfgang Effenberger: The "Military-Industrial Complex" (MIC) or the "Merchants of Death" among http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=23092
19 Biden-Harris-Administration-National-Security-Strategy-10.2022.pdf
20 https://sgp.fas.org/crs/natsec/IF10485.pdf
21 https://www.congress.gov/118/crec/2023/02/28/169/38/CREC-2023-02-28-dailydigest.pdf; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmmPHvlbdwI
22 Wolfgang Effenberger: "Pillars of US power. Seafaring mentality and Puritanism". Gauting 205, p. 348
23 "From 1945 to today - 20 to 30 million people killed by the USA", by Manlio Dinucci, translation K. R., Il Manifesto (Italy) , Voltaire Network, 21 November 2018, www.voltairenet.org/article204026.html
24 Douze discours, 1850
Here you will find a short biography and the bookswritten by Wolfgang Effenberger.
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