If you take a closer look, it becomes clear that it is primarily about raw materials and contracts for mining rights; the EU is also reaching out for the huge lithium deposits in eastern Ukraine. These raw materials, which are urgently needed for the so-called energy transition, must not fall into Russia's hands under any circumstances, according to the objective. There is a great deal of speculation about Moscow's motives and many things are being assumed. The goals of the "VALUE WEST" seem clear.
All of this includes the vast areas of agricultural land and production capacities that have been bought up by Western "investors" for over 10 years. It is well known that the family of the current US president, in particular his dubious son Hunter Biden, is also active in Ukraine.
The expansion of the war is not about protecting the state integrity of Ukraine for the "good guys" from the West, but on the contrary, about the extensive depopulation and buy-out of this important country in Central Eurasia. The Eurasian heartland is to become part of the Western bloc by hook or by crook and furthermore be removed from Russia's sphere of influence.
In addition, the US-led Western bloc wants to massively weaken the hated enemy Russia or destabilise it as much as possible.
Ukraine war is not just a proxy war against Russia - Ukraine is a victim
It remains to be seen whether the naivety of many Ukrainians will now gradually give way to realisation and disillusionment and whether this will translate into action.
This is not just a proxy war between the Western bloc under the direction of the USA and Russia, in which Ukraine is being used. Ukraine is intended to weaken Russia and is both a battlefield and a victim.
On the other hand, it is also a The West's war against Ukrainein which Russia - after endless provocations from the West for more than 10 years - is now doing the dirty work.
The thesis is that the aim of Western strategists is to seize control of Ukraine in the medium term. What better way to achieve this than with a fratricidal war between Russia and Ukraine that is fuelled from outside and in which both lose? And... some others are reaping the expected benefits. The Western defence industry and investment companies are the main beneficiaries, and the neo-conservative power elite in the USA - which is neither conservative nor liberal, as it likes to pretend - is improving its own position both geopolitically and domestically, at least that is the plan. It couldn't be more sophisticated and perfidious. Anyone who does not see through this game of the transatlantic Western bloc war alliance, at least to some extent, is struck with unheard-of naivety. This behaviour has been common for more than 100 years and is characteristic of unscrupulous US geostrategists, in alliance with Great Britain.
At the same time, indescribable sums of European money - taxpayers' money from several hundred million taxpayers - are benefiting defence companies and other industries as a result of this war. This is because most of the "Ukraine aid" is being channelled directly into Western arms companies, mainly in the USA, and shareholders are profiting - taxpayers are paying for it; soldiers, increasingly often forcibly recruited, are dying; Ukraine is increasingly becoming a field of rubble; Russia is increasingly confronted with major damage on its own territory, and the social systems of states that take in Ukrainian refugees are also paying for this diabolical business. The stooges from the European states and the EU institutions, who rarely serve the welfare of their countries and the European peoples, are playing along with this diabolical haggling.
NATO is no longer a defence alliance, but a geostrategic means to an end. Provocation is the method.
Where do honest peace efforts come from?
A so-called peace summit in Switzerland on 15 and 16 June 2024, which was not attended by Russia as a major party to the war, speaks volumes about how the leadership circles of the West assess the situation and where further developments should be directed: Continuation of war and destruction - a peace prevention summit met there. Military support one Consultation between the two parties is not the way to organise a peace summit. As has even been officially stated, the focus of the summit is not on a ceasefire or the desired end to the war, but on grain exports from Ukraine, the safety of a nuclear power plant and various humanitarian issues. These are undoubtedly important issues, but a peace summit should focus on something else.
Russia is not seen as a negotiating partner on the grounds that Russian ideas and demands are considered unrealistic and not worth discussing. In contrast, the united West is making maximum demands of Russia that brush aside Russian interests and sensitivities, which the Russian side is expected to accept. This undermines any peace efforts.
However, in the countries of Western Europe, anyone who looks at the context or points out developments and previous history is quickly branded a "Putin sympathiser", a "friend of Russia" or a "right-wing extremist". This primitive, unobjective framing and malicious stigmatisation is carried out hand in hand by the mainstream media and politicians from leading parties. The world needs understanding and every serious endeavour to bring about a peaceful solution, and yes: the West and Ukraine would certainly have to swallow some bitter toads. But the West is not prepared to do this from the outset. Concessions on the part of the united West would also mean admitting that the interference from the USA and the EU in Ukraine's internal affairs, which began before 2014 and included the coup against the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, has failed.
Strategy of US strategists and EU in Ukraine failed
Every bit of retreat on the part of the USA and its Western helpers in the direction of Russia's positions would reveal that the strategy of integrating Ukraine as a whole, including Crimea with the strategically important Black Sea port of Sevastopol and the Balaklava submarine bunker, politically, economically and socially into the Western bloc and removing it completely from Russian influence has failed. Russia, with President Putin at the helm, has already outmanoeuvred US strategies and its allies several times before, which is increasingly increasing their hatred towards it. With the Russian-initiated referendum in Crimea, which resulted in its incorporation into Russian territory - whether or not this was contrary to international law - both Ukraine and the strategic leadership from the USA have suffered a defeat.
The black and white polarisation in this war that is presented to us on a daily basis is a display of the narrative that has long been implanted in our minds: Russia is the villain and the only evil - Ukraine the innocent victim. The fact that there are other key players in the game is ignored. Equally insignificant is the fact that Ukraine was known as an extraordinarily corrupt country until the outbreak of war as a result of the Russian attack in February 2022, and that in the aftermath of the so-called Euro-Maidan in 2014, ultra-nationalist forces with hatred of Russia and even links to National Socialism were able to gain influence in society, politics and the military. These not unimportant facts have now been wiped away.
Hungarian President Orbán recently had to put up with public criticism because he travelled to Russia immediately after taking over the EU Council presidency to discuss the possibilities of finding peace with the Russian president. Orbán was not authorised or, as EU Council President, not authorised to hold such talks without consultation. Everyone should be keen to see a ceasefire and at least the possibility of peace negotiations, whether they are acting from a high-ranking EU position or as president of their own country.
Unless at least one major miracle occurs in the coming weeks, we will be driven into a major war that will possibly spread beyond Ukraine. But where could such a miracle come from?
We may be a long way from seeing Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate once again, as a saviour, but if there is at least some substance to his announcement and he is able to work towards ending the war and keeping NATO and the US out of international military adventures in the medium term, this year's US elections could bring about something of a miracle. After all, Trump is already working in this direction as a candidate in the beginning election campaign. In any case, his presidency could put an end to warmongering with greater Republican influence in both chambers.
Other actors from other countries could contribute to bringing a negotiated solution closer, against the Western European warmongers. Certainly, these are small rays of hope, but a chance for a miracle, perhaps even a big one.
I appreciate the balanced perspective you've presented here. It's rare to find such thorough coverage of this subject without bias. You've given me some interesting points to think about.